Have a Question About Retirement? We’re Happy to Help. No Sales Pitch, No Obligation.


Independent Georgia Financial Advisors

There are craftsmen of all kinds who have been handing down their traditions from generation to generation. Their craft becomes a way of life for them, their families, and most of all, their customers and clients. The tradition, value, and quality of service grow stronger.

Moore’s Wealth Management is an independent advisory firmthat helps our clients build retirement plans that fit their lives, and that they can’t outlive. Just like you don’t want to outlive your savings, you don’t want to outlive your financial advisor. We’re proud to have a tradition that we have passed along to generations within our firm through our own financial advisor succession plan so that the families and community we serve can expect seamless service and advice.

In the end, our goal is to address the only truly common bond that connects all of our clients: The opportunity for peace of mind when it comes to their retirement.

We Listen.

It all begins with us knowing what’s truly important to you and your family. One thing we’ve learned over the years is that no two people’s retirement plans look alike.

We take action.

It all begins with us knowing what’s truly important to you and your family. One thing we’ve learned over the years is that no two people’s retirement plans look alike.

Our word is granite.

The simple phrase, “Do what you say you’re going to do”, are words we live by. Our goal is that the family’s we serve focus on the enrichment of their lives and enjoy the ride…we’ll drive.

We’re in this for the long haul.

We measure our success by the long list of clients that we retain for generations. Everyone should expect that their retirement plans should last as long as they do, AND that their retirement planners last even longer.



Scott Moore

President / Founder
Senior Financial Officer

For the past 34 years, it has been Scott Moore’s goal, our founder and president, to help pre and post retirees in the Southeast United States properly prepare for and protect their retirement assets.

Before Scott found his passion for helping people protect and preserve their lifetime savings, he began his career as an engineer in the computer industry, utilizing his degree in electronics from Phillips Business College in Mississippi. After 10 years of work in the computer industry, and becoming a Sales Support Vice President, Scott transitioned to the financial industry where he received several top honors in his field including being honored as a distinguished “Advisor of the Year.” The firm and its advisors continue to be recognized for their impact in North Georgia.

Moore’s Wealth Management is a member of the Greater Hall County, Forsyth County, White County, and Athens Area Chambers of Commerce, the Better Business Bureau, and the distinguished National Ethics Association.

Moore’s Wealth Advisory team serves as fiduciaries. As a fiduciary, Scott and his team are held to a much higher professional standard than a typical broker. With 34 years of experience, knowledge, and dedication to serving the financial needs of seniors, Scott, and his team of 4 advisors are skilled financial professionals. They utilize the latest estate planning and investment techniques to design and implement personalized strategies that can help reduce financial risk, lower taxes, avoid probate, and protect assets from nursing home costs.

In addition to these services, Scott, his son Chris, and Mark Peterson provide educational classes at several universities, where they enlighten retirees and near-term retirees on how to develop efficient plans for pre and post-retirement. Through our educational process, we identify all the critical facts necessary to make a sound financial decision, so it is in our client’s best interest, before making that decision. This requires us to identify myths, misconceptions, and missing facts, and put plans in place that strengthen the position of our clients. This is also upholding our fiduciary obligation and why we are so passionate about the educational process.

Scott opened his 1st office in Gainesville 13 years ago. Moore’s Wealth Management has 3 locations to serve North Georgia: Gainesville, Cumming, and Athens, Georgia. The staff consists of 5 Investment Advisors along with a team of 5 staff members.

Scott and Carla, his wife of 41 years, have five children ranging in age from 27 to 39 and spending time with their 11 wonderful grandchildren. In his spare time, Scott enjoys spending time with his family on the lake and attending automotive enthusiast events as well as traveling in their RV.




Scott Moore

President / Founder
Senior Financial Officer

Under Meet Our Founder For the past 34 years, it has been Scott Moore’s goal, our founder and president, to help pre and post retirees in the Southeast United States properly prepare for and protect their retirement asset

Carla Moore

Compliance Director

Carla co-founded Moore’s Wealth Management with her husband Scott. Carla serves as our Internal Compliance Director, involved in implementing compliance regulations. In her free time, Carla enjoys making homemade crafts, traveling in their RV, and spending time with her 13 grandchildren.


Chris Moore

Chief Investment Officer

Chris is an Investment Advisor Representative who specializes in risk management, market trends, estate and income planning. He is a keynote speaker at public retirement events and also teaches pre-retirees at local universities to strengthen their knowledge base in preparation for retirement. Chris enjoys spending time with his family and attending automobile and sporting events.


Brian Moore

VP of Business Development

Brian is an Investment Advisor Representative. He specializes in the latest tax, estate, long-term care and retirement planning techniques to strengthen clients’ portfolios for the future. He is also a keynote speaker in many retirement events held across north Georgia. In Brian’s free time he enjoys sporting and automotive events with his wife and their two young children.


Michelle Moore Ellis

Director of Marketing

Michelle enjoys marketing with her creative thinking and organization skills. Her bubbly personality is why she does so well marketing the firm in our local community. She also works side by side with the Advisors and our clients to ensure a smooth and satisfactory client on-boarding experience. Michelle loves to spend time with her husband and their three young girls, Emmerie, Lillian and Evelynn

Mark Peterson

VP of Client Education

Mark is an Investment Advisor Representative who is specialized in working with families as they plan for their retirement years. Mark has a passion for sharing his knowledge and has taught Financial and Retirement Classes for Seniors at Brenau University, University of North Georgia, Lanier Technical College and University of Georgia Athens. When not working Mark loves family time, especially spending time with his 17 grandchildren on the farm. Mark is often found walking or driving grandkids around the farm to check on the Scottish Highland Cattle or making a quick stop at the pond in hopes of catching a big bass or catfish.


Isaac Pitt

Investment Analyst/Trader

Isaac is an Investment Advisor Representative. He researches and analyzes client portfolios to help ensure accurate reporting and that the positioning of the clients’ portfolio is in line with the firm’s recommendations. Isaac remains dedicated to helping investors realize their personal financial goals by teaching and educating in seminar formats on various financial topics. Isaac moved from Utah after getting married to his Georgia Peach. He loves to spend time with his wife and their four young children.


Meredith Loughrey

Office Manager

Meredith was promoted to Office Manager in 2022 after 6 years as the Office Assistant. Meredith maintains an organized, professional office environment, always greeting everyone with a smile! Meredith enjoys traveling and experiencing new things, as well as spending time on Lake Lanier with her husband Ryan and two children, Clovie and Kent.

Kyle Peterson

Administrative support

Kyle works closely with our advisors to track, coordinate, and facilitate ongoing client reviews. Kyle also provides in-house copywriting and photography for our website, marketing, events, and client materials. Kyle spends his time out of the office working as a freelance writer and photographer, walking his long-time companion, Stella, a standard poodle, and visiting with friends and family.

Deborah Alvarez

Marketing Assistant

Deborah retired as the Office and Marketing Manager on June 30th 2021. Her passion has always been Marketing so when the opportunity to work remotely to assist Michelle on Marketing task, Deborah jumped right back in, she works behind the scenes part-time to ensure ongoing projects run smoothly and successfully. She lives in the Augusta area.

Angela Hawkins

Support Specialist

Angela is an Advisor Support Specialist and supports Chris Moore and his clients. Angela is extremely detailed and organized. Her background is in professional organizing and uses her skills to help assist clients with their financial goals. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her four girls, reading, decorating, and being on the lake.

Brandy Hussey

Support Specialist

Brandy is an Advisor Support Specialist and supports Brian Moore and his clients. Brandy comes from an administrative background and enjoys meeting new people and learning new skills. She lives in Hoschton with her husband and 2 daughters and in her free time enjoys being outside by the pool and reading. 

Have a Question About Retirement?

Retirement can be complicated, but our experienced advisors are happy to answer any general or specific questions that you may have. No sales pitch, no obligation.