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Will We See More Inflation in 2022?

There are reasons to be optimistic about 2022. Many are wondering if we will see more inflation in 2022, where the market is headed, and the effects of a new COVID variant. But whatever 2022 holds, it’s important to make a plan for the future.

The Federal Reserve’s Latest Statements

Wholesale inflation rose at a record annual rate of 9.6% in November.[1] After months of saying that high inflation was just “transitory,” the Federal Reserve has indicated its plan to control inflation. The central bank said it will accelerate its monthly bond purchases and may increase interest rates three times in 2022. Their expectation for core inflation next year is 2.7%.[2]

Inflation In the Past

Inflation can hurt purchasing power, which can weigh down economic growth. The last time the inflation rate was over 5%, the U.S. was in the Great Recession.[3] Some economists are predicting a 1970s style stagflation in this decade since we also saw higher energy prices and unemployment in 2021.[4] Consider what would happen if we continued to see high inflation for years on end. Your savings would lose purchasing power every year as the cost of everyday items increases. For example, after 20 years with a 2% inflation rate, $1,000,000 would only have the buying power of $672,971.[5]

What Does This Mean For You?

When we think about how much everyday items cost when we were kids versus now, we can see the effects of inflation over time. In 1960, a gallon of milk was 31 cents, and today it’s $3.03 on average.[6] Overall, the buying power of $100 in 1960 now has the buying power of $11.24.[7] In order to combat this and have your savings last throughout your retirement, you may need a retirement investing strategy. Especially when investments like CDs may offer very low returns and the market is unpredictable.

There are those who watch things happen and those who make things happen. Be the second kind when it comes to your retirement. A solid financial plan can help you be prepared. The first step is to sign up for a complimentary review with Moore’s Wealth Management.


[1] https://www.usnews.com/news/business/articles/2021-12-14/wholesale-inflation-jumps-record-9-6-over-past-12-months#:~:text=Prices%20at%20the%20wholesale%20level,the%20highest%20monthly%20reading%20since
[2] https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/15/fed-will-aggressively-dial-back-its-monthly-bond-buying-sees-three-rate-hikes-next-year.html
[3] https://www.fool.com/investing/2021/08/28/stock-market-crash-likely-5-data-points-of-concern/
[4] https://qz.com/2068772/why-economists-are-talking-about-stagflation/
[5] https://www.buyupside.com/calculators/inflationjan08.htm
[6] https://dqydj.com/historical-home-prices/
[7] https://westegg.com/inflation/infl.cgi?money=100&first=1960&final=2020

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